Do You Know All Things About DevOps & Agile? – Interrelate, Misconception, Statement

DevOps and agile are two different methodologies with the same work scope and do the same work in different ways. DevOps is also the advanced version of agile methods. The DevOps & Agile methodologies operate & control all the processes of app & web development processes like building, automation, bug troubleshooting, testing, deployment, & other things.

There are some different points between agile & DevOps. Before knowing that point, we need to know some facts about DevOps & Agile:

  1. What are DevOps & Agile?
  2. How do DevOps & Agile interrelate?
  3. What are the benefits of DevOps & Agile?
  4. What is a common misconception about Agile and DevOps?

Agile Methodology

In this methodology, we separate work into small-small parts, and after completing a part, we can deploy it. There is no continuous integration & continuous deployment.

For example, we have three pages: one is a login page, the second one is a signup page, & the third one is a shopping page.

We want a login page; for that, we will write all coding required for the login page, and after completing all coding, we can deploy it. We can do the same thing with the other pages.


  1. We can review & test the code after completing the coding.
  2. There is no continuous integration & continuous deployment.
  3. Unfortunately, the code has an error, so we have to check all the coding.
  4. It’s time taking methodology because we need to complete all the coding earlier. After that, we can deploy it.


DevOps methodology is the next & advanced level of agile methodology. There is continuous integration & continuous deployment.

For a better understanding, take the above example. We have three pages: one is a login page, the second one is a signup page, & the third one is a shopping page.

We want a login page; for that, we will not require to write all coding at one time, even we can write some coding parts and deploy them. We can do the same thing with the other pages.


  1. We can review & test the code after completing the small parts of coding.
  2. There is continuous integration & continuous deployment.
  3. If code has an error so we can check simultaneously.
  4. This methodology takes little time because we can work into small parts. After writing some code, we can deploy it and live it.
DevOps vs agile

How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?

Both methodologies work in SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). They both work in the same way. We distribute or convert all work into small-small parts so that we will get a result as soon as possible. Although there are some differences, they both are not irrelevant.

What Is a Common Misconception About Agile and DevOps?

People think that Agile & DevOps are the same things & methodology. But we need to understand that DevOps is the advanced version of Agile. Agile doesn’t have continuous integration & continuous deployment, but DevOps has.

Which Statement Is True About Agile and DevOps?

We can get better & earlier results in DevOps methodology instead of Agile methodology.

DevOps is an advanced version of Agile methodology.

The Agile methodology doesn’t have continuous integration & continuous deployment, but DevOps has.


We saw what DevOps and Agile are, their benefits & drawbacks, their true statement, & misconception. So we can say DevOps is a better methodology than Agile methodology in terms of getting a fast result, time-saving, bug troubleshooting, & more.
Currently, almost every IT & technical company uses the DevOps methodology due to its benefits & advantages instead of the Agile methodology.

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